
PROCESS TM web is an easy-to-use and complete solution based on the latest web technology for taking and evaluating time studies


Besides the professional editing of the time recordings, allowance time studies and the module PROCESS MM for activity sampling complete the time data management.

4.0 Standard

Digitalisation begins with the basic data. Because of its database oriented built-up, PROCESS TM can be perfectly integrated into the process of a digital transformation.

PROCESS TM | Startbildschirm

Evaluate time studies with PROCESS TM web

Process data management 4.0

  • Document, evaluate and organise time recordings

    Es ist immer die letzte, aktuelle Software-Version verfügbar

  • The latest Software version is always available

  • Evaluate allowance time studies

  • Take activity samplings

  • Draw up process elements and create new processes in the ProcessDesiger

  • Integrate photos and videos

  • Define users and groups for access rights

Whereever, whenever

you want to evaluate your time studies. You just need to go online, open your browser and get started. The documentation is in accordance with the common and appropriate methods, so that every process organiser is familiar with it right away. If the sequence descriptions have been defined during the time study, the evaluation is almost done right after it has been uploaded.



The records are being protected before they are uploaded so that they cannot be manipulated. The record can be viewed chronologically and it documents every single entry that is being made during the time study.

During a time study, things might get a bit chaotic, so faulty entries cannot be ruled out. The good news is that they can be corrected using a dialog, while they stay documented in the record of changes.


With PROCESS TM web any number of users can work at the same time and do their part of time management.

Via the user rights concept, many different rolls can be defined, so that the process organiser creates the complete basis work, the works council can view the time studies and controlling or product managers only access the ready process times.

Process elements and process design

Combine the same process sequences from different time studies in a process element and thereby increase the statistical accuracy. With every new process element your company-specific time module system grows.

Get creative and develop new processes with the designer. Create new processes from existing process elements with a simple click. That way new ideas can be stimulated and evaluated.

Activity sampling

With PROCESS TM web, activity sampling studies to determine allowance time surcharges or process analysis can be planned, drawn up and executed. The starting times of the rounds are selected randomly by a generator which can be adjusted to match the availability of the process organisers.

Statistical results can be viewed after every round, so that the number of rounds necessary can be determined.



  • Evaluation of time studies and allowance time studies

  • Preparation and evaluation of activity sampling studies

  • Creation of work plans

  • Simply use project data from existing time recordings

    Via the allowed time determination or the „ProcessDesigner“(out of already statistically saved process sequences, new processes can be built)

  • Reusable text modules to avoid double entries

  • Epsilon evaluation by the variation-number-procedure

  • Integration of video sequences and pictures

  • Data security and protection to the highest degree

  • All evaluation sheets available as printable pdf files

    Securement of the data on a highly available, firewall protected system

  • Master data administration (parts, operating capital, function areas)

  • PROCESS TM demo
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Modul Zeitwirschaft
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS TM demo
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Module Activity Sampling
  • PROCESS TM basic
  • 24,95
    /Month *
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS TM professional
  • 49,95
    /Month *
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS MM professional
  • 39,95
    /Month *
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Modul Zeitwirschaft
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Module Activity Sampling
  • PROCESS TM premium
  • 79,95
    /Month *
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Module Activity Sampling
  • PROCESS TM demo
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Modul Zeitwirschaft
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS TM demo
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Module Activity Sampling
  • PROCESS TM basic
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS TM professional
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Modul Multimomentaufnahme
  • PROCESS MM professional
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Modul Zeitwirschaft
  • – Bildergalerie
  • – Prozeesselemente
  • – Prozessdesign
  • – Prozessübersicht
  • Modul Verteilzeitaufnahme
  • Module Activity Sampling
  • PROCESS TM premium
  • 30 days
    for free
  • PROCESS TM app
  • PROCESS TM web
  • Module Time Management
  • – Photo Gallery
  • – Process Elements
  • – Process Design
  • – Process Overview
  • Module Allowance Time Study
  • Module Activity Sampling

* Net prices excluding taxes

System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2016 R2 x64 or higher
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz or faster *
  • Main memory: 4 GB or more *
  • Hard drive: 20 GB (Data base and PROCESS TM) *
  • Data base: MS SQL Server 2008 R2 or higher *
  • Internet Information Service (IIS) Version 7 or higher *
  • .NET Framework 4.5: or higher *
  • SAP Crystal Reports *

* only applies to the in-house solution


Yes. This setting is possible under the menu item “Parameters > Settings”.

No. It is possible to save filter settings beyond one session. This can be done via the menu item “Parameters > Filter” by making the desired settings and then pressing the “save filter permanently” button.

Yes. An optional activation of retroactive performance levels is possible.

Black – unchanged performance levels / Red – changed performance levels / Blue – filled performance levels

From logging in to uploading your time recordings and exports: all your data is encrypted between the SaaS application and your browser. In addition, the identity of the live application PROCESS TM has been confirmed, so you can be sure that you are also working with our application.


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